Using Keller’s work on linking strategies (Church Planting Manuel – Designing Linking Strategies 5.5 & 7.1), given the tentative profile that we do possess, let’s list as many ways to connect with North Valley Attractionally and Incarnationally.
Attractionally (Coming to Us) : If a corporate gathering were to draw people the right way, what would it look like?
• Note the tension between reasonable accommodation and consumerism. Think in terms of reasonable accommodation.Incarnationally (Going to Them): List as many ways to most effectively engage people by going to them:
• How would you change what we do at Oasis Redlands to be more seeker sensible? In what ways can we “speak” most clearly to the irreligious and the Christ-follower?
• What would the service look like from start to finish? What elements would you include within that time frame?
• Think in terms of developing this core group and our future official launch. How do you draw people in?
• Think about clear and effective steps from what we do and how it will connect people to the gospel. For example, if we put on a barbeque for people in a park, will that be the best utilization of our time and resources? Are we only feeding some people that we’ll never see again? Are there ways to serve our community and build relationships? (Our IAP adoption program is a great example of serving the community and connecting relationally with them).
• Again, how will any one event move people along the continuum of faith?